Authors and Citation
Grabert G, Dehncke D, More T, List M, Kraft A, Cornberg M, Hiller K, Kacprowski T (2024). MeTEor: MeTEor - an R Shiny app for Metabolite Trajectory Exploration. R package version 1.0.0, https://github.com/scibiome/meteor, https://scibiome.github.io/meteor/.
@Manual{, title = {MeTEor: MeTEor - an R Shiny app for Metabolite Trajectory Exploration}, author = {Gordon Grabert and Daniel Dehncke and Tushar More and Markus List and Anke RM Kraft and Markus Cornberg and Karsten Hiller and Tim Kacprowski}, year = {2024}, note = {R package version 1.0.0, https://github.com/scibiome/meteor}, url = {https://scibiome.github.io/meteor/}, }